Thinking of buying your contact lenses online without a valid prescription?
Contact lenses are medical devices worn on living tissue; therefore it's extremely important they are purchased with a valid prescription. A case report from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Forensic Chemistry Center found a majority of unapproved, counterfeit and decorative contact lenses tested positive for the kinds of microbial contamination frequently found in hospital waste water or spoiled food.
Not only can online contact lens ordering be dangerous, it's often not even cheaper. The vast majority of our contact lens prices are less expensive than online options like Clearly, or even big box retailers like Costco. We also offer convenient ordering by phone or through our website.
If you wear contacts, we strongly recommend that you be monitored by a professional, support small business and avoid shady online retailers that are often skirting laws to keep prices down. Don't listen to armchair geniuses on message boards that insist online lenses are safe. We're talking about your eyes here.